High or Evil: The Game

This morning my sister sent me an article about how most Americans thing congress members should be drug tested… and it inspired an idea. You know how SNL will have hilarious game show skits like “Black Jeopardy”? How about a game show called “High or Evil” in which contestants hear about some government figure doing/saying something and they have to decide if they were “high” or “evil” from that…

The scene plays out this way… there’s a host that introduces the setup and the three contestants. They start playing and it’s clear one contestant gets every question right and the other two never do. The host stops the action to ask “what’s your secret?” and the winning contestant declares they have a system: Democrats are always “high” and Republicans are always “evil”. Everyone else is incredulous that that’s actually that simple, but after some examples and reflection, they all realize it’s ALWAYS true and they declare the game over… never to be played again!

What do you think? I’m not sure I’m doing it justice in print, but please spread the idea around… maybe somebody will actually make a version of it. If they do, or anyone finds something similar already out there… please come back and post here to tell us all about it!

Author: Alexa

I'm a trans woman just starting to transition... working from home (in the computer field) and feeling entirely too isolated... hence the web site ;-)